Friday, February 15, 2008

God Promises Big Suprise

Apparently God has some big plans for everybody.  A source close to God, who wishes to remain anonymous said:
"I can't be too specific about the details, mainly because the "Big Man" was pretty vague himself, all I know is something big is coming, I'm not sure when or where, but believe it's big."
God sent out a press release today fortelling upcoming hurricane season and the suprises within.
"As God enters His landmark 23,450,750th hurricane season, He finds Himself dealing with a larger and more diversified audience," the statement read in part. "With that in mind, He's promised that something new is 'in the wind' this year. Expect God to take the hurricane to places it's never been, bringing it to whole new audiences, making inroads further into the tornado-minded Gulf Coast states, and still delivering the goods to the hip, urban, coastal crowd that's traditionally so crazy about them."

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